Linear Regression for Human Beings#

Let's try to explain some linear regression concepts without formulas or official definitions or anything things like that!


We sell coffee, and it costs $2. Since we're πŸ’ΌπŸ’°Important Business PeopleπŸ’°πŸ’Ό, we might have some big questions about finance, such as:

  • If we sell zero coffees, how much money do we make?
  • If we sell four coffees, how much money do we make?
  • If we sell sixteen coffees, how much money do we make?

Since coffee costs $2, we can just multiply it out.

β˜• βœ– πŸ’΅
We sell zero coffees 0 Γ— $2 per coffee We make $0
We sell four coffees 4 Γ— $2 per coffee We make $8
We sell sixteen coffees 16 Γ— $2 per coffee We make $32

Since coffee costs $2, in these situations we would make $0, $8, and $32. Easy-peasy!

Linear regression, if we're going to skip over the specifics, is the opposite of what we just did. If we take the same example but twist it around a little bit, we can see how regression works.

Let's say we know this:

  • We sold zero coffees, and made $0
  • We sold four coffees, and made $8
  • We sold sixteen coffees, and made $32

Linear regression is when we ask ourselves, how much does coffee cost? Let's draw that same table again, but adjusted for our new question.

β˜• βœ– πŸ’΅
We sell zero coffees 0 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $0
We sell four coffees 4 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $8
We sell sixteen coffees 16 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $32

Maybe we can even figure it out in our heads: coffee costs $2! Easy, right? That's it. We're done!! That's linear regression!!

Kind of, sort of, more or less, anyway. Let's move on to see how linear regression works in Python code.

Performing a linear regression#

We'll start off with our data. To wrangle our data we're going to use pandas, a super-popular Python library for doing data-y things.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame([
    { 'sold': 0, 'revenue': 0 },
    { 'sold': 4, 'revenue': 8 },
    { 'sold': 16, 'revenue': 32 },
sold revenue
0 0 0
1 4 8
2 16 32

Our very tiny dataset has two columns:

  • Number of coffees sold
  • Amount of revenue from selling those coffees

We want to ask a simple question using this data: if we sold this many coffees and made this much money, how much does a coffee cost? Up above we learned that this kind of question is linear regression.

To perform our linear regression, we're going to use a library called statsmodels, which conveniently (?) has two different ways of writing the code.

Formula style#

One way to calculate how much the coffee costs is writing a formula. It seems to be a less popular way of doing regressions in statsmodels, but it's so nice and perfect that we're going to look at it first.

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

# What effect does the number of coffees sold have on our revenue?
model = smf.ols(formula='revenue ~ sold', data=df)
results =

It doesn't print anything out, but that's okay: we'll figure out how to look at the results in a second!

Dataframe style#

The other style of using statsmodels for linear regression uses pandas dataframes directly instead of writing out a formula. It can be a little more complicated looking, but it's very popular! It must be the default technique people learn when they pick up statsmodels.

import statsmodels.api as sm

# What effect does the number of coffees sold have on our revenue?
X = df[['sold']]
y = df.revenue

model = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X))
results =

Don't worry about sm.add_constant(X), we'll talk about it later.

Note: To be specific, the kind of regression we're using is called ordinary least squares regression, which is why we're using smf.ols and sm.OLS. Statsmodels supports other types, too.

Examining our results#

No matter which method we use to calculate how much coffee costs, we end up with a variable called results. We'll use this variable to see the answer.

If we only want the most basic of results, we can write something like this:

const   -2.664535e-15
sold     2.000000e+00
dtype: float64

The 2.000000e+00 next to sold means for every coffee sold, we make $2! If we want to get technical, it really means "for every increase of 1 in sold, our revenue will increase by 2."

While it's definitely useful, it unfortunately doesn't look very fancy. We like βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’Ž π’»π’Άπ“ƒπ’Έπ“Ž π“‰π’½π’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”π“ˆ πŸ’ŽπŸŒŸβœ¨, so we'll run this code instead:

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: revenue R-squared: 1.000
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 1.000
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 9.502e+30
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2019 Prob (F-statistic): 2.07e-16
Time: 13:32:47 Log-Likelihood: 94.907
No. Observations: 3 AIC: -185.8
Df Residuals: 1 BIC: -187.6
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -2.665e-15 6.18e-15 -0.431 0.741 -8.12e-14 7.58e-14
sold 2.0000 6.49e-16 3.08e+15 0.000 2.000 2.000
Omnibus: nan Durbin-Watson: 1.149
Prob(Omnibus): nan Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.471
Skew: -0.616 Prob(JB): 0.790
Kurtosis: 1.500 Cond. No. 13.4

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Nice, right? But it's a lot of information, so let's take a closer look at some of the bits and pieces.

Reading our summary#

The fancy style has the same results as results.params - try to find sold and 2.0000 hiding on the left a ways down.

We can put this into words like this:

  • For every one more "sold" we have, we get two more "revenue"
  • For every one point increase in sold, we'll have a two point increase in revenue

I know we weren't supposed to get technical, but just so you know: the 2.0000 is called the coefficient. The coefficient for sold is how much revenue will change if sold goes up by one.

sold isn't our only only coefficient, though! There's also the const one right above it, which is -2.665e-15.

Explaining the intercept#

const basically means "how much money we've made if we've sold zero coffees." It's called Intercept when you use the formula-style regression, even though it'll be exact same number.

In this case, const is -2.665e-15. The e-15 part means "move the decimal point 15 places to the left to see what the number really is." That means when we sell zero coffees, we make -0.000000000000002665 dollars. That's basically zero, right?

We need the constant in our regression because sometimes it isn't zero coffees making zero dollars. What if instead we were talking about scores on a test based on hours of studying?

More studying would (hopefully) give us a higher score, but if we studied for zero hours we (hopefully) wouldn't score a zero on the test. If const were 70, that would mean even if you study for zero hours, you're predicted to get a 70 on the test.

Formula-style regression automatically adds a constant, but the dataframe version requires you to use sm.add_constant(X):

model = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X))

If you use model = sm.OLS(y, X) instead, the regression would insist that studying for zero hours deserves a zero. Ouch!

Why does the formula technique do it the friendly way by default, but the dataframe version make us take an extra step? No clue. Maybe regression just seemed too easy without something like that to trip us up. Yet another reason to stick with the formula version!


OK, so what did we just learn?

Sometimes we know how many cups of coffee we sold and how much each coffee costs, and we want to know how much money we made.

β˜• βœ– πŸ’΅
We sell zero coffees 0 Γ— $2 per coffee We make ???
We sell four coffees 4 Γ— $2 per coffee We make ???
We sell sixteen coffees 16 Γ— $2 per coffee We make ???

That is not linear regression. That is, I don't know, normal math?

Linear regression is when we know how much money we made and how many coffees we sold, but not how much coffee is.

β˜• βœ– πŸ’΅
We sell zero coffees 0 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $0
We sell four coffees 4 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $8
We sell sixteen coffees 16 Γ— ??? per coffee We make $32

If we want to risk sounding halfway technical, linear regression is a question of "how do the inputs affect the number that comes out at the end."