Evaluating a logistic regression#
We've been running willy-nilly doing logistic regressions in these past few sections, but we haven't taken the chance to sit down and think are they even of acceptable quality?
In this section we'll discuss what makes a logistic regression worthwhile, along with how to analyze all the features you've selected.
Our dataset#
We're going to use the updated scarf-making dataset from our last section. We're cool, we're crafty, but we're also not very good at finishing scarves we've set out to knit!
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
df = pd.DataFrame([
{ 'length_in': 55, 'large_gauge': 1, 'color': 'orange', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 55, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'orange', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 55, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'brown', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 60, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'brown', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 60, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'grey', 'completed': 0 },
{ 'length_in': 70, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'grey', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 70, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'orange', 'completed': 0 },
{ 'length_in': 82, 'large_gauge': 1, 'color': 'grey', 'completed': 1 },
{ 'length_in': 82, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'brown', 'completed': 0 },
{ 'length_in': 82, 'large_gauge': 0, 'color': 'orange', 'completed': 0 },
{ 'length_in': 82, 'large_gauge': 1, 'color': 'brown', 'completed': 0 },
Now let's ask some questions about it.
Statistical significance#
Just because you run a regression doesn't mean the results are true! The standard way of judging whether you can trust what a regression is telling you is called the p-value. Let's take a look at our most recent regression, and figure out where the p-value is and what it means.
model = smf.logit("completed ~ length_in + large_gauge + C(color, Treatment('orange'))", data=df)
results = model.fit()
This is our logistic regression on scarf completion: given a scarf's intended length, color, and the size of our needles, can we finish it? Instead of looking at the coefficients and odds ratios, let's peek at the regression's p value.
The p value is listed as LLR p-value (bottom of the top right area), and it's the certainty we can have in our results. You can think of it as the percent chance that the regression can create a meaningful representation of us completing a scarf.
Typically a p value of 0.05 (or 5%) is thought of as "good" or "statistically significant," as there's only a 5% or less chance that these results aren't valid. Our p-value is 0.2138, which is frankly terrible. I don't think we can use this regression for anything!
p-values for features#
Beyond p values for the entire regression, you can also find p-values for each individual feature. They're listed under P>|z|
down in the bottom features section.
Notice that the p values for brown is at the nightmarish level of above 80%! Grey is also incredibly high, at around 0.5 (not to be confused with 0.05).
Honestly, we probably shouldn't have added those in the first place. You should only be adding features when you have an argument as to why they'd affect the outcome. Bad features have a tendency to not only ruin your entire regression's p value, they also screw around with features that are actually valid and good!
Let's remove the color category from our regression and try again.
model = smf.logit("completed ~ length_in + large_gauge", data=df)
results = model.fit()
Our regression's overall p value at 0.07 is now looking a lot closer to statistical significance. Removing unnecessary features improved our regression's chance of being meaningful - more features isn't always better!
Model quality#
When we're looking at a linear regression, we spend a lot of time on R-squared values. In logistic regression, we don't have R-squared, but we kind of do. They're called (somewhat appropriately) pseudo R-squared values.
Pseudo R-squared is listed as Pseudo R-sq. up top.
Your pseudo R-squared is on a scale from 0 to 1, with higher values meaning a better fit. Unlike linear regression's R-squared, though, you can't use it to say "we're explaining such-and-such of the variation." You can only use it to say "this model is better than that model."
Let's compare the pseudo R-squared value from our length_in + large_gauge
regression to the length_in + large_gauge + color
It looks like the more complicated regression wins! Does that mean we run back to the regression that includes color, crying and apologizing for casting it aside?
Not even for a moment! Because the color-including regression's p-value is so high - over 0.2 - we definitely shouldn't take it seriously. We should only listen to a regression or a coefficient if its p-value is in a respectable place (generally speaking, under 0.05).
Note: Our p-values are generally going to be terrible because we have small datasets that involved me semi-randomly typing numbers. There isn't a secret trick where we're going to hit that 0.05 threshold and solve all our knitting problems forever, sorry.
Pseudo R-squareds#
Let's have a little chat about logistic regression pseudo R-squareds for a quick second. It turns out there are actually multiple versions of pseudo R-squared for logistic regression. Literally different calculations that give different numbers, all called pseudo R-squared! It's a lot more complicated than linear regression, I guess.
The pseudo R-squared one we're using here is called McFadden's R-squared. Other pieces of statistical modeling software use difference calculations! I'm calling out both the complicated nature of determining "goodness of fit" and logistic regression R-squared measurements because it leads to great blog posts like this one:
For years, I’ve been recommending the Cox and Snell R2 over the McFadden R2, but I’ve recently concluded that that was a mistake. I now believe that McFadden’s R2 is a better choice. However, I’ve also learned about another R2 that has good properties, a lot of intuitive appeal, and is easily calculated. At the moment, I like it better than the McFadden R2. But I’m not going to make a definite recommendation until I get more experience with it.
First off, it's a secret, he's keeping his favorite R-squared technique a secret!!! I love that so much.
Second, I probably understand about as much of that as you do, but here's the point: non-math people often think that numbers automatically make things true or false, that there's exactly one way to do things, and that math can give you definitive answers. This is rarely true, especially when we're talking about real-life data!
The uncertainty in numbers is a big reason why even if you know enough stats to get by, you should always be running your analyses by someone who knows more, or someone who is a domain expert. And even the experts don't always agree with one another! On top of that, readers really trust numbers, and you need to go above and beyond to make sure you're explaining them correctly.
In this section, we talked about evaluating logistic regression models and features.
Unlike judging the quality of a linear regression, we don't have an R-squared to explain goodness of fit. Instead we only have a pseudo R-squared. Like in linear regression, we can use pseudo R-squared to compare two different regressions. Higher is better!
The most important measure in your regression is going to be your p value, which is used to measure statistical significance (aka the chance your data is a happy accident, not actually meaningful). Traditionally 0.05 is the cutoff, which means there's a less than 5% chance that your findings were made by chance.
Whether your regression does or does not hit the p-value threshold, you can also examine the p values of your features. Removing features with high p values tends to improve your regression, as your regression no longer needs to pay attention to the noise they add.
Discussion topics#
there’s literally nothing you can do right in stats
which also means there’s no wrong way to do them